Applicability of Drainage Design Equations in Finnish Conditions
← TakaisinTekijä | Vakkilainen, Pertti; Virtanen, Seija |
Sarja | Proceedings of International Seminar on Land Drainage |
DOI/ISBN-numero | 951-753-859-6 |
Päivämäärä | 1986 |
Avainsanat | drain spacing, drainage design equations, hydraulic conductivity, non-steady state, steady state |
Rahoitus | Drainage Foundation |
Organisaatio | Helsinki University of Technology |
Sivut | 27 - 35 |
Kieli | englanti |
The applicability of some drainage design equations to Finnish conditions was studied. This study encompares the spacing calculated with drainage design equations with spacing in four fields. Both steady state equations and a non-steady state drainage design equation were studied. The soils studied were sandy loam, silty clay, heavy clay and sphagnum peat. The study concluded that the equations are applicable to drainage design in soils where the saturated hydraulic conductivity is moderate to high.